

Provide a description of your role and a little bit about your team:

Store supervisor, small team of 3 control operators and engineer

How do you fit into that team?

The day to day running of the store the store

How long have you been at Camgrain?

Since 2012 when they took Stratford on.

What is your career history to date? This should be a brief paragraph describing your previous role(s) before joining Camgrain, plus details of any higher education (e.g. degree studied)

Between 82 and 83 did NCA course at Moreton Morrell Agricultural college, I also did sheep management, worked on a couple of sheep farm until started at Arable crop storage in May 1989.

What are your day-to-day responsibilities?

Managing and running the grain store

What do you do in your role that people may not know about or realise?

Because store is 40 years old it’s a challenge keeping it going, lot of small repairs 

What do you enjoy about your job? What inspires you in your role?

After 33 years at this site it's not just a job, care a lot about place. I also enjoy the busy times of the year i.e. Harvest

What are the challenges within your job?

Keeping all staff happy, it’s a challenge at times

What drew you to apply for a role at Camgrain?

I was with Arable crop storage for 22 years then Camgrain took ACS on 

How has Camgrain changed in your time with the company?

Vastly improved over the last couple of years especially with health and safety.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

 Being with family, Playing golf, going on long walks with my best friend Ted 

Is there anything about you people might not know? A fun or interesting fact about yourself (e.g. you swam the English Channel for charity)

In my younger days I ran marathons for charity

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